Let Us Guide You

Same great content, structured for easy learning.

The Ramp Up

Crush Your Onboarding Goals

The Employee Experience

How an organization onboards you in the first few weeks says a lot about their maturity...and provides an excellent opportunity for you to leave your mark.

5 Lessons

Establishing Good Habits

If you don't set clear boundaries and habits into motion from the start (of a new job) you'll spend months clawing your way out of them.

6 Lessons

Setting Goals

The first 90 days are the most important time. Learn how to crush them with the right goals and the steps to get there faster.

6 Lessons

Mastering the Story

Before you dive into solution mode, you need to deeply understand the problem your company is trying to solve.

6 Lessons

Mastering the Product

Learn how to master a new product, solution, or service in less than 30 days.

6 Lessons

Building Experience

Develop Your Core Skills for Success

Discovery Done Right

The hardest job in pre-sales is discovery. It underpins the demo experience, scoping, and everything else. So why are we so bad at it?

7 Lessons

All Things Demos

The most common activity in pre-sales, the dreaded demo! Learn how to personlized and deliver demos that actually resonate.

7 Lessons

The Art of the POC

The ultimate pre-sales workstream is performing a proof of concept. They almost always go off the rails so let's build some guardrails to prevent that.

6 Lessons

Avoiding Sales Pitfalls

Been there, done that. Let us share where we've face planted and how to avoid it happening to you.

4 Lessons

Honing Your Craft

Your Competitive Edge

Building Relationships

Selling isn't about the best technology or even having the best price. It's about how you build relationships with people.

6 Lessons

Customer Engagement

The old way of selling is dead. It died a painful death. So let's acknowledge that customer's are in the driver seat when it comes to buying.

6 Lessons

Closing Deals with Data

Stop getting dragging into pricing negotations over discounts and dollars. Instead, use a data driven approach to close a deal at the price you want.

5 Lessons

Getting Promoted

Do you know how to manage up? Being promoted is all about showcasing your work while managing up. Let's help you get there.

5 Lessons

Building a Pre-Sales Organization

Recruit the Best. Build Culture for Success.

Leading a Team

When you lead people, it's all about them. This mindset shift isn't something most people are prepared for...but after this course you will be.

6 Lessons

Enabling Sales

One of the last items organizations invest in; sales enablement. Getting your team up and running quickly is the difference between closing this quarter and next.

6 Lessons

Crafting a Culture

Everyone talks a big "culture" game, but rarely do we see it in action. Learn what it takes to craft a world class pre-sales culture...and keep it.

6 Lessons